武漢廣途科技有限公司 是專業研發制造醫藥原料及醫藥中間體的高科技醫藥企業,工廠占地面積60000平米.公司多年來從事醫藥原料和醫藥中間體的研發和生產,多項產品申請國家專利,擁有一系列自主研發成果。主要產品有:雙氯芬酸鈉,雙氯滅痛,諾西肽,6-氯尿嘧啶,鹽酸吡利霉素,恩拉霉素,阿美拉霉素,喹烯酮,喹乙醇,藜蘆醛,利福平助溶劑,痢菌凈,磷酸氫鈣,磷酸泰樂菌素,硫酸阿米卡星,硫酸安普霉素,硫酸多粘菌素B,硫酸鏈霉素,硫酸慶大霉素,硫酸頭孢喹諾,硫酸新霉素,孟布酮,硫酸粘桿菌素,氯化膽堿,氯霉素,氯羥柳胺,洛克沙生(洛克沙胂),馬度米星銨,咪唑苯脲,那西肽預混劑,沙拉沙星,乳酸環丙沙星,乳酸甲氧芐氨嘧啶,三氯苯達唑,雙乙酸鈉(SDA),水溶性丙磺舒,水溶性利福平,水溶性磷霉素鈣,泰妙菌素,替米考星,頭孢克肟鈉,頭孢喹咪,頭孢拉定助溶劑,頭孢曲松鈉,頭孢噻呋,頭孢噻呋鈉,頭孢噻肟鈉,土霉素,妥曲珠利,維生素C,維生素C磷酸酯鎂,沃尼妙林,硝呋酚酰肼,硝呋唑爾,煙酰胺,延胡索酸泰妙菌素,鹽霉素,鹽酸氨丙啉,鹽酸林可霉素,鹽酸氯苯胍,鹽酸頭孢噻呋,鹽酸土霉素,鹽酸氧阿苯噠唑,伊馬替尼,乙二胺二氫碘,乙氧酰胺苯甲酯,阿貝卡星
Wuhan Guangtu Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional R & D purposes pharmaceutical raw materials and pharmaceutical intermediates manufacturing high-tech pharmaceutical enterprise, the factory covers an area of 60,000 square meters. The company over the years in pharmaceutical raw materials and the development and production of pharmaceutical intermediates, a number of products for national patent , has a range of independent research and development results.
The company has been focusing on the introduction and training, college students accounted for 40% of staff, undergraduate students accounted for 30% of employees, and employ more than academicians and industry experts all over, enjoy the government special allowance 2. The company has been focusing on training of personnel, has sent many outstanding employees, went to Singapore, Germany, the United States, Hong Kong and other countries and regions, professional training, and organization of an outstanding staff of overseas annual paid vacation, and fully to staff the most personal most enjoyable treatment.
The vast world, the endless future. Way Technology Co., Ltd., Wuhan Guangzhou will make unremitting efforts of all staff, dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in quality and perfection of the brand and corporate image, adhering to the "good faith, diligence, perseverance, excellence," the entrepreneurial spirit, first-class products and quality services, meet market demand.